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Bats Breaking News

Upcoming Tour Dates!

* May 23 Mallet Isle
   The Cathedral
* June 7 Chicago, IL

* June 21 Midgar
   Seventh Heaven
* July 4 Deling City
* July 19 Lea Monde
* August 8 Detroit, MI
   Fischer Theatre

Go Batty!

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Fan Club

We totally love fanstuff. We think it's the coolest ever!! If you want your Culture Bats fanfiction or fanart archived here just email us at webguru at twisteaux. com! Thank you!!

[ fan art | fan fic | fan comics ]

::fan art::

Lao Tsunami's Sims are Culture Bats Fans!

::fan fic::

+ Pinup by Genki Aster-kun [ email | webpage ] (J.J./J.L.)

+ Lemon Twist by Halo's Angel [ email | webpage ] (L.L./Twist)

+ under the needle by vicuņa [ email | webpage ] (short J.L. pov)

+ Better than Candy by Genki Aster-kun [ email | webpage ] (J.L./J.J.)

+ Untitled Ski!Bunny by Genki Aster-kun [ email | webpage ] (J.J./J.L.)

+ Historical Warfare by Halo's Angel [ email | webpage ] (J.L./L.L.)

+ The A Train by Mink [ email | webpage ] (J.J./other)

+ On Camera by Mars [ email | webpage ] (J.J./other)

+ Day by Day by Mars [ email | webpage ] (L.J./J.J.)

+ No Satisfaction by Mars [ email | webpage ] (J.J./other)

+ Kitty by Mars [ email | webpage ] (J.J.)

+ Wardrobe Malfuction by E.LD [ email | webpage ](J.J.)

+ Wrinkle-Free by Mars [ email | webpage ] (Twist/J.J.)

+ The Odds by Mink & E.LD [ email | webpage ] (Twist)

+ After School Special by Mars [ email | webpage ] (J.J.)

+ The Trouble With Being Twist by E.LD [ email | webpage ] (Twist)

::fan comics::

+ Cherry Lips - Marz's collection of silly and not so silly totally not true side comics.

There's also more crazy "slash" fan stuff at "Wicked Culture" which is a fan site about both the Culture Bats and another band, the Wicked Isaacs.

copyright © 2004 teaux teaux records, inc., armistice productions. website design by j.j. kitty site creations. to report any site errors, broken links, etc, e-mail webguru at privacy policy.