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Bats Breaking News

Upcoming Tour Dates!

* May 23 Mallet Isle
   The Cathedral
* June 7 Chicago, IL

* June 21 Midgar
   Seventh Heaven
* July 4 Deling City
* July 19 Lea Monde
* August 8 Detroit, MI
   Fischer Theatre

Go Batty!

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4/2/2005 - Long time no update - sorry, we've been on a totally awesome tour. Hopefully we got to see some of u there! ♥ But there's a new page of comic up (page 47) and some totally kewl and unique "fanart" from Lao Tsunami - Culture Bats Sims Fans in the fanclub! We knew we'd make it big ;). Also a link to the kewl fan community Culture Batty on Livejournal!

5/6/2004 - New comic chapter up, and a whole bunch of new fics from E.LD #1 Groupie, Mink & Marz. Thanks guys!

4/6/2004 - New comic pages up!

3/18/2004 - New link in the links section to BattyfreaksofC, the place for crazy Bats gossip. Thanks to #1 Groupie Evan for the link! Also kiriko_moth sent us this fantastic picture proving yes, God is a Culture Bats fan:

3/6/2004 - The Culture Bats Comic launches!! Yipeeee!

3/4/2004 - Our CafePress store is now open, yay!!

3/3/2004 - New pictures in the profiles, courtesy of Mars! Thanks! - J.J.

2/29/2004 - Happy Leap Year! Lyrics have been uploaded to the Albums section and we hope you'll check it out!! - J.J.

5/14/2003 - Welcome to the Culture Bats' site! We'll be updating more when we get back from our current tour, promise! - J.J.

copyright © 2004 teaux teaux records, inc., armistice productions. website design by j.j. kitty site creations. to report any site errors, broken links, etc, e-mail webguru at privacy policy.