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Bats Breaking News

Upcoming Tour Dates!

* May 23 Mallet Isle
   The Cathedral
* June 7 Chicago, IL

* June 21 Midgar
   Seventh Heaven
* July 4 Deling City
* July 19 Lea Monde
* August 8 Detroit, MI
   Fischer Theatre

Go Batty!

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Click on any song title to view the lyrics. Lyrics are provided for entertainment purposes only!

Gumballmachine Chic (2003)

1. Pork Endeavor
2. Squirtle Yakuza
3. Flaming Mollusk Head
4. Confessions of a Leather Huffer
5. Knives^3
6. Needles (in my Flesh)
7. RPC (Regency Potatoe Chip)
8. The Shorts of Chaos
9. Monkey Jaw
10. Krum Stakker
11. Bunny Tea Party
12. Crunchy Boy Exterior
13. Fast Car
14. Any Other Name
15. Home By Sundown


Minuet (2003)
Restless (2003)
The Kiss (2003)

Friends Romans Culture Bats (2004)

Track List Coming Soon!

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