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Upcoming Tour Dates!
* May 23 Mallet Isle
The Cathedral
* June 7 Chicago, IL
* June 21 Midgar
Seventh Heaven
* July 4 Deling City
* July 19 Lea Monde
* August 8 Detroit, MI
Fischer Theatre
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About the Band
Twisteaux aka Terrance Bowman
On: Vocals / Guitar
Eye Color: grey-blue
Hair Color: what day is it?
Age: 25
Birthday: March 9
Ethnicity: British
Zodiac: Pisces
Blood Type: AB
Body Modifications: Piercings: nipple rings, belly ring, etc; TT
& tCB tattoo on left arm
Trademark Clothing: "Sydney" pants
Fave Color: White/black
Fave Food: Strawberry Pocky
Fave Drink: Tab
Major Musical Influence: No Major Musical Influence
Fave Song: Guns N' Roses - November Rain; Bon Jovi- Bed of Roses
Loves to Wear: Bebe / Hot Topic
aka Jesse Lee
On: Bass Guitar
Eye Color: Frost blue
Hair Color: Silver
Age: 27
Birthday: Sept 9
Ethnicity: German
Zodiac: Virgo
Blood Type: A
Body Modifications: TT&tCB tattoo on L. Shoulder, L. Eyebrow
Ring, L. Ear Cartlidge Ring
Trademark Clothing: TT&tCB necklace, Glasses
Fave Color: Grey
Fave Food: Spaghetti
Fave Drink: Beer/Lager
Major Musical Influence: Elton John
Fave Song: U2 - With or Without You
Loves to Wear: Banana Republic
aka Lucas James
On: Drums/Drum pad
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Scarlet Red
Age: 22
Birthday: December 2
Ethnicity: Dutch
Zodiac: Sagittarius
Blood Type: O neg
Body Modifications: TT&tCB tattoo on L. Shoulder,tongue ring,
other tattoos
Trademark Clothing: Leather Jacket
Fave Color: Purple
Fave Food: Seafood
Fave Drink: Expresso
Major Musical Influence: Prince
Fave Song: Cowboy Mouth - Jenny Says
Loves to Wear: James Dean style outifts (& look out, fans,
he's always commando)
aka Joseph John (Joey)
On: Keyboard / Keyboard Guitar
Eye Color: Brown
Hair Color: Lavendar/Pink
Age: 21
Birthday: Oct 6
Ethnicity: Half Japanese Half Caucasian American
Zodiac: Libra
Blood Type: B
Body Modifications: TT&tCB tattoo on L. Shoulder, sometimes
has Henna tattoos
Trademark Clothing: Belly chains, short daisy dukes, go-go boots
Fave Color: Yellow
Fave Food: Odango
Fave Drink: Bubble Tea
Major Musical Influence: Cyndi Lauper
Fave Song: Britney Spears - Slave 4 U
Loves to Wear: If it's pink, tight, or glittery, J.J.'s got it!
aka Lawrence Luc
On: Saxaphone / Guitar / Rhythm
Eye Color: Green
Hair Color: Honey Blond
Age: 26
Birthday: May 4
Ethnicity: American
Zodiac: Taurus
Blood Type: O
Body Modifications: TT&tCB tattoo on L. Shoulder, earrings
Trademark Clothing: Sunglasses
Fave Color: Green
Fave Food: Persian
Fave Drink: Thai Iced Tea
Major Musical Influence: Madonna
Fave Song: Chris Isaacs - Wicked Game
Loves to Wear: International Male
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