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Upcoming Tour Dates!

* May 23 Mallet Isle
   The Cathedral
* June 7 Chicago, IL

* June 21 Midgar
   Seventh Heaven
* July 4 Deling City
* July 19 Lea Monde
* August 8 Detroit, MI
   Fischer Theatre

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lyrics by Twisteaux Turbeaux

Tell me now how long it's been
How long I've walked
And when we're stopping?

We've been through hell and
We've been back but
Somehow I'm still burning!

And if I tell you baby that
I'm waiting for the end...
Will you let me rest my head at last?
Put down the future and the past!

And lay it down
And lay me down

You can say that life's alright
You can tell me to keep going
But I know my time has come
And for whom the bells are tolling

Lay me down
Lay me down and keep on going
Need to rest this weary head
Lay down from this journey that I don't
know where it's ending...

Lay me down and just be done

Tell me just a little more
three more steps and
we'll be home just one more bend.

Tell me if I just hold on
Hold my hand please
Hold my hand!

We've been through hell and
We've been back
But somehow I'm still burning.

And if I tell you baby that
I'm waiting for the end...
Will you let me lay it down...

Lay me down
Lay me down and keep on going
Need to rest this weary head
Lay down from this journey that I don't
know where it's ending...

Lay me down and just be done

Lay me down forever!

I love you baby but I can't go on
Not one more step
Not one more turn
I can't keep climbing
til the sun stops burning

Let me lay it down
Let me lay down
Lay me down forever.

copyright © 2004 teaux teaux records. all rights reserved.

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